WhatsApp launches new text formatting options: here's how we can customize our messages


The latest WhatsApp update introduces new text formatting options that will allow us to enrich our messages, making communication clearer and more visually effective. Let's look at all the new features and how to use them.

New text formats in WhatsApp for effective communication

Until now, WhatsApp users could emphasize our messages using basic formats like bold, italic, and monospace. However, the latest update adds more text customization possibilities, introducing four new options: bullet lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code.

According to The Verge, the implementation of these tools responds to the need to better organize information and highlight important points in conversations, especially in group chats. And they are now available for iOS, Android, Mac users, as well as in the web version of WhatsApp.

How to use WhatsApp's new text formats?

To use these new styles, we should do the following:

  • Bullet lists: type the – symbol followed by a space at the beginning of the text.
  • Numbered lists: type one or two digits followed by a period (1. 2. …) and a space at the beginning of the text.
  • Block quotes: type the > symbol followed by a space at the beginning of the text.
  • Inline code: open and close the text with the single quote (') symbol.

These new formats are added to the already known ones of *bold* (wrapping the text with the * symbol), _italic_ (wrapping the text with the _ symbol), ~strikethrough~ (wrapping the text with the ~ symbol), and '''monospace''' (wrapping the text with three ` symbols).

In addition to these new features, which are sure to be very welcome for many WhatsApp users, remember that the messaging app continues working to completely change login process with the implementation of passkey support for iPhone, thus improving security and privacy.

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