How and when to use iPhone Wi-Fi with Airplane Mode

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Cómo y cuándo usar el Wi-Fi del iPhone con el Modo avión

When we activate Airplane Mode on our devices, it's easy to assume that all wireless connections are cut off. However, since iOS 12, we have discovered that this is not necessarily the case. It's possible to continue using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth with Airplane Mode activated, which can be extremely useful in certain situations.

How to use Wi-Fi and Airplane Mode simultaneously

When we're using the iPhone with Airplane Mode activated and we also want to use Wi-Fi, the steps to follow are as simple as these:

  1. Open the Settings app on our iPhone or iPad.
  2. Activate Airplane Mode.
  3. Go to the Wi-Fi section.
  4. At the top, turn on the Wi-Fi option.
  5. Select the Wi-Fi network we want to connect to.

There are several scenarios in which we need to connect to a Wi-Fi network while Airplane Mode is active. The most obvious is when we're aboard a plane that offers Wi-Fi connection. By using Airplane Mode, we ensure that we're not interfering with flight instruments, but at the same time, we can enjoy a data connection to stay connected.

As we can see, Airplane Mode doesn't mean a total disconnection. Thanks to the flexibility of the settings, we can continue to use connectivity without interfering with flight safety. Thus, even in the air, we remain connected to the world.

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