Why add international prefixes to our contacts to avoid unexpected call charges

Cómo añadir prefijos internacionales a nuestros contactos para evitar cargos de llamadas inesperados

Our iPhones offer us a multitude of options for communication, but phone calls remain an irreplaceable standard. Calls that, with a phone number, allow us to speak with anyone in the world. And that's precisely why there's something really important we must consider to avoid unexpected charges: adding international prefixes to our contacts.

How the international prefix works

Not long ago, international calls were uncommon, mainly due to their high cost. However, with the evolution of tariffs and roaming, they have become more common. A shift in the nature of our phone communications that demands a more globalized approach to our phonebook.

To understand the importance of international prefixes, let's consider how phone companies route calls. Each phone number, like a passport, is unique worldwide when all its components are included, including the country code. When calling within the same country, we can often omit this prefix, but when calls cross borders, its inclusion is crucial to ensure that the call reaches the correct destination.

And what do we do now?

To avoid misunderstandings and errors, especially when calling from or to abroad, it is vital to store all numbers in our phonebook with their respective international prefix. This applies not only to mobile numbers but also to landlines. While it may require initial dedication to review and update our contact list—just like adding a Call Button for all the important contacts on the Home Screen of our iPhone—, this small step will ensure accuracy and efficiency in our global communications. This helps prevent us from accidentally calling the wrong number and incurring costs for that call.

The complete list of international prefixes is available in resources such as Wikipedia. And with that, we can ensure that each number in our phonebook is correctly formatted for international calls and that said number is unique and cannot be confused with any other.

In our interconnected world, where distances are shortened thanks to technology, it is essential that we adapt to communicate efficiently. Adding international prefixes to phone numbers in our phonebook is a simple yet fundamental step to stay properly connected with family, friends, and colleagues around the world.

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