Since its launch, Apple Maps has undergone an impressive evolution. Apple has deployed new cars and on-foot teams to collect data, and it also offers us a viewpoint from the air. We're talking about Flyover mode, which stands out as a real gem. Let's take a closer look.
Unmatched Aerial View
Flyover mode offers us a stunning aerial tour of the city of our choice. As we fly over, the most iconic buildings and points of interest are displayed in detail, with informative labels at the bottom of the screen.
Flyover is available in most cities where 3D navigation is activated, including diverse destinations such as Madrid, Barcelona, London, Paris, Marseille, Berlin, Dublin, Stockholm, Rome, New York, and San Francisco, among many others.
How to Access Flyover Mode
To access Flyover mode, all we have to do is go to the Maps app and choose the city that interests us. We will do this in the same way on our iPhone and iPad as on our Mac. Specifically, these are the steps to follow:
- Open the Maps app on our iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
- Move around the map and tap the city we want to see, or find it using the search.
- Tap the Flyover button on the iPhone or iPad or Flyover Tour in the case of the Mac.
Now two different things happen. On the iPhone and iPad, once in Flyover mode, we can move our device to navigate through the city from a unique perspective. Beyond this, if we tap Start city tour, the tour begins. The same tour will start directly on the Mac after pressing the button in step three.
Apple Maps' Flyover mode is more than a navigation tool: it's a window to explore cities from a different and enriching perspective. Just like using the panoramic view in Maps, it allows us to virtually travel and discover urban corners interactively and surprisingly, all from the palm of our hand.
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