How to check which Apps have access to our location on the iPhone

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Cómo revisar qué apps tienen acceso a nuestra ubicación en el iPhone

Location is undoubtedly one of the most sensitive data we manage on our devices daily. While GPS allows us to determine our exact position at any moment, the inevitable question arises: who else has access to this valuable information?

The answer is simple: only those we decide, and no one else. Since the decision is ours, it's good to know how to check the status of location permissions and understand the different settings. Let's talk about it.

The privacy of our location is fundamental

Periodically, some news or report reminds us that too many apps sell our location data to dozens of companies. The accuracy of this information is such that it can identify each individual and track all their movements. Just as it's preferable to share or send photos without location information and take into account this simple setting that makes our iPhone much more secure, it's crucial to be aware of which applications have permission to access our location.

Deciding which application should or should not have access to the location is complex. Many apps have a legitimate reason for accessing the location and can misuse it equally. As a general rule, we should always ask ourselves why the app needs access to the information. Does our banking app need to know where we are at all times? What about a stock quoting app? Or a photo editing app? Probably the answer to all of them is no.

How to check location settings on the iPhone

Before we start, we need to know that there are various options for location permissions. Each one allows us to precisely decide which information the applications on our phone can access. They are:

  • Never: The name says it all, the application in question will not have access to the location at any time.
  • Ask next time or When I share: The next time the app wants access to our location, we will have to give permission.
  • While using the App or While using the App or widgets: The app will have access to the location when it or one of its widgets is active.
  • Always: This option allows the app to use our location whenever it wants, even if it is not active at the moment. Since the introduction of "While using the App", this option should be used only when absolutely necessary.

Additionally, there's an extra setting called Precise Location that we can activate or deactivate. When activated, the app will know exactly where we are, while if we deactivate it, it will only have a general view, at the city level.

With that said, let's see how to review which apps have permission to use the location. We'll do it like this:

  1. Open the Settings app on our iPhone or iPad.
  2. Enter Privacy and Security.
  3. Tap on Location.

We will find a list of applications with their respective location permissions. It is possible to adjust each of the apps according to our needs. Moreover, Apple provides us with indicators, such as colored arrows (gray for access in the last 24 hours and purple for recent access), to inform us about the behavior of the application. Something we can take into account to decide which apps have access to our location on the iPhone and improve our privacy and security.

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