We have surely heard about CGI more than once. In this digital era, where just with an iPad or a Mac we can experiment with impressive visual creations, CGI has become an indispensable tool and is increasingly present in almost all the movies we watch. But do we really know what these initials mean and what they imply?
What does CGI mean?
The acronym "CGI" (Computer-Generated Imagery) refers to images generated by a computer. And what does that mean? Broadly speaking, it involves the use of computer graphics to create images, whether dynamic or static, and both in 2D and 3D.

Although it's true that CGI can be found in various artistic manifestations, even in printed media and advertising (in 2D), it is in cinema where it really reaches its fullest expression, especially in 3D format. In these cases, its testimonies are the computer creation of dazzling scenes, incredibly realistic characters, and amazing special effects.
CGI in cinema

In the cinematic field, when movies are entirely made in CGI, we talk about "CGI animation movies." Recently, this computer animation technology has become the most used by major studios like Disney and Pixar, in contrast to the traditional 2D animations seen in classics, where the process of creating thousands of drawings or frames per minute was manual.

However, CGI is not limited to animated movies. In live-action cinema, CGI can also play a crucial role. More and more often, it's used to bring to life unique and fantastic creatures or even everyday animals that would be challenging to work with on set, like the reindeer in the movie The Boy Who Saved Christmas.

Similarly, CGI is also used for creating special effects, such as generating a large crowd in a stadium without using any extras, as seen in Apple's original Ted Lasso, or to replace the creation of miniature models of certain buildings or sets. In general, it is used to simplify and facilitate movie production as much as possible.
The pioneer in the integration of CGI was the 1973 movie "Westworld". Since then, the greater availability and ease of use of this technology have made CGI an invaluable resource in filmmaking. Today, both renowned filmmakers, independent artists, and small studios can create cinematic wonders from the comfort of their homes, all thanks to the power of CGI.
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