There's a functionality that, at its time, marked a before and after in how we used the iPhone: the 3D Touch. This system, originally launched with the iPhone 6s, allowed us to perform specific actions by applying different levels of pressure on the screen. A system that was later removed from subsequent iPhones due to its great technical complexity and the impossibility of implementing it on other devices like the iPad and Apple Watch.
Thus, 3D Touch was replaced by a long press system that, although it does not offer exactly the same promptness, comes notably close. And if we consider a certain setting, we can almost bring back the speed of 3D Touch to the most current iPhones.
Reviving the magic of 3D Touch
Besides versatility, the most interesting aspect of 3D Touch was its great speed. This is precisely where this setting comes into play, as what we do is reduce the time of the current long press so that, with a shorter press, the system already responds.
How? As easy as accessing the Settings app, selecting Accessibility, going into Physical and Motor Skills, and then into Touch. Here we choose the Haptic Feedback option to finally activate the Fast setting. With this, we significantly reduce the waiting time between the moment we touch the screen and the execution of the desired action, allowing us to enjoy a more fluid, fast, and similar to 3D Touch experience.
Although even with this setting we cannot exactly replicate the functionality of 3D Touch, it does bring us a step closer to the speed it offered. A setting that we might want to apply on our devices to be able to interact with our content in the most comfortable way possible.
On Hanaringo | I've changed this setting on my iPhone, and now I don't miss any important notifications